New Barbed Wire Beach Wind Meter at Deer Creek - ONLINE

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New Barbed Wire Beach Wind Meter at Deer Creek - ONLINE

Postby andrewcarey44 » Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:34 am

We now have a permanent onsite wind meter at Deer Creek!

We worked with the state to get a permitted wind meter installed at the Barbed Wire Beach launch site at Deer Creek. This was a collaborative effort between myself, Josh Shirley, Kenny Farnsworth, Rob Umstead, Spencer Regiudel, Aaron Brown, Mike Hill and many others.

The weather station is now live and online and can be viewed using any of the Weatherflow applications (i.e. WindAlert, iKitesurf, iWindsurf etc.). The station is called "Barbed Wire Beach" and shows up in these applications as a green meter. When searching for it, you need to zoom in on the BWB location for it to show up. The more people that favorite the station and view it will adjust the algorithms so that it shows up when viewing when zoomed out. It is installed adjacent to the windsock at the launch. It is a Weatherflow Tempest station and in order to view the actual and forecast data in those apps, you need to be a "Plus" member which costs $3.99/month. The "Pro" membership at $9.99/month also gets you access to the plus stations as well as the Gold stations you see at more popular locations like the Gorge. If you'd like to see the real time data for free and not pay for the subscription, Aaron Brown has added the station to his aggregator web application and is called "BWB-Meter" and is located at the top. See the photos below:

Great team effort to get this installed! Hopefully this helps in your forecasting and real-time monitoring of conditions onsite! We're already looking at other locations for additional meters similar to this one!

Here is the link to Aaron's aggregator:

Here is the links to the meter on iKitesurf & iWindsurf & WindAlert:


Aaron Browns Aggregator.jpg

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Re: New Barbed Wire Beach Wind Meter at Deer Creek - ONLINE

Postby Josh Shirley » Sat Aug 12, 2023 12:49 pm

I added a page to the website that captures the link.

Whatever thou art, do well thy part.
Josh Shirley
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Re: New Barbed Wire Beach Wind Meter at Deer Creek - ONLINE

Postby obzansky » Fri Sep 01, 2023 9:49 am

Thanks, Josh for the link! And thanks to all for getting this done!
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