Free Classic Gorge Board

List windsurfing gear you have to buy and sell. Ads are automatically removed after 6 months.

Moderators: Josh Shirley, Craig Goudie, RickHeninger

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-Sell or give away whatever you consider pertinent to windsurfing.
-Please delete what you've sold, or update your post after 3 months. (unless the post is as interesting as Jason Morton's Liquidation sale!)

Free Classic Gorge Board

Postby brian.doubek » Fri Oct 09, 2020 10:18 am

90's-ish era gorge board, Great condition. Just like the wind, its free for the taking.
I think volume to be about 80 liters maybe less.
This board sticks to the water in high wind conditions but it looks so great you may want to stick on the wall or nail it to your fence to remind the neighbors how rad you are. How about burying it in the yard tombstone style?
Or just ride it, the possibilities are mind boggling.
text or email are best to reach me.
Posts: 106
Joined: Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:23 pm

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