Still have stuff. Sold the boards and is the list of remaining items....
Here is a link to the gear below
1 prostock carbon 520 $25
1 powerex Z SPEED freeride 520 $25
1 powerex z axis race 520 $25
1 prostock 490 $20
1 Hawaiian pro line xl carbon race boom $100sold
1 xl Dakine speed seat $20
1 like new dakine xt xl seat $25
1 Chinook base extension $10Sold
1 Chinook base plates $10
I universal joint $10
1 universal post joint $10
1 like new SUP aluminum paddle $25Sold
1 10.4 sail work NX2. B- condition $50
1 8.95 sailworks NX c $25
1 8.5 XT2 sailworks c $25
1 Neil Pryde vx2 6.5 race sail c $20
1 Neil Pride V8 6.0 race sail c $20
1 kids pacific rig. Small sail/mast/boom $20
Text Brett at 801.712.nine25zero