Rush Lake

Post your latest session. Provide the location, date, equipment used, and most importantly tells us about your fun. That fun is helpful to people who are thinking about where to go the next time.
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Please at least list in the subject line "Date, Location, sail/kite size, board size"
04/15 Ut Lake SSB, 16M kite, 136
08/23 Sulphur Crick, 3.7M/78L

Rush Lake

Postby dmmk96DuaneBush » Mon May 09, 2005 9:02 pm

Mr. Knab sailed fully powered on a 5.9 when the north wind came in around 5 until 7pm. Water depth maybe 2.5 feet in the middle. Kiters said the wind was steady 25-35 south most of the day. Pray for more water.

Re: Rush Lake

Postby Emmanuel Pons » Tue May 10, 2005 8:35 am

dmmk96 wrote: Kiters said the wind was steady 25-35 south most of the day..

Yeah.. I saw tem having a lot of fun while I could not believe I had forgotten my mast base at home :(
Rush was looking pretty decent though.
Emmanuel Pons
Posts: 294
Joined: Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:55 am
Location: In my car.. driving to a windless lake

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