Floating gear in Utah Lake

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Floating gear in Utah Lake

Postby DaveHubbel » Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:45 am

While it's a longshot if anyone gets contacted about a lost kite in Utah Lake, it's probably my 2008 Cabrinha Revolver, Green and Yellow, 12 meter. Dave 801-803-2474.

The Story: After a great hour of riding off of Tower View Point in the SW part of the lake just right on a 12m, the wind switched to 30-40. Ridiculously overpowered, I crashed and came up to an inverted kite. Although I was about a mile and a half out, it's still waist deep or less out there now (2.3ft below full). I dug in and held on a front line until I got a lull. I was eventually successful in a lull at getting the kite back on its leading edge the right way and got my bar back through the front lines :))) , but in the process of putting my leash back on and having the wind crank up again, I accidentally threw the chicken loop safety, see ya! It seemed a better call to walk back to shore than chase a 12 meter downwind in 7 meter wind, eventually into deeper water. :roll: I probably couldn't have caught up to it on a strapped surfboard wearing a harness and impact vest anyway. I saw it pretty much heading toward a point halfway between MM19 and where the shore curves to the south as the wind was SSE that day, but it's a real inaccessible and hard to see part of the lake from the shore. Of course the wind mellowed back to 12M or less by the time I slogged it back to where I started

Does anyone know any numbers to leave my info at, not really finding any so far

Edit: Kite found, a post regarding who to call if you let gear float out across a lake to prevent folks looking for people is forthcoming
Posts: 53
Joined: Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:05 pm

Re: Floating gear in Utah Lake

Postby DaveHubbel » Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:38 pm

Not that any of you ever would, but if you let a kite, board, rig etc. get away from you in Utah Lake, let the Utah County Sheriffs Office know so that other folks on distant shores don't think your gear is a sinking sailboat. Their non-emergency number is 801-851-4100.
Posts: 53
Joined: Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:05 pm

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