Sunday, 5/20 DCIB - Roberts 279, NP 8.7 rigged waay flat

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04/15 Ut Lake SSB, 16M kite, 136
08/23 Sulphur Crick, 3.7M/78L

Sunday, 5/20 DCIB - Roberts 279, NP 8.7 rigged waay flat

Postby DimitriMilovich » Sun May 20, 2007 8:54 pm

Sarah, Winda and I were caravaning before we split at Kimball Junction. They heading to the big winds at Sulphur while I opted for DC.

Grant and Duane got on the water well before me, as I was involved in rigging dweebery, happily finding a missing uphaul at last. Huge 5.5-6.0 gusts coming through. On the water with massive tailwalking as my adjustable outhaul "adjusted" itself and I was a little teabag on my spinnaker before slammage. Finally got it sorted, downhauled to the max and got a nice hour of powered sailing before I ran out of juice due to too much playing in City Creek earlier this morning.

Grant and Duane stayed out longer, along with another 3-4 sailors, including Ted ___ and Peter ___ who got more rides as I derigged. Giant gust slammed my Roberts into the pavilion post, but it only hit on the tail without any damage (!). Waaay lucky. Duane and Grant were both on Hypersonics, 133l, 105l respectively, flying around, Grant on a 6.0, gust riding after retiring his 8.5 from earlier. Fun day after I got past the white knuckled session. Group beers after were additional treat.
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Postby JimSouthwick » Mon May 21, 2007 9:04 am

Sounds like conditions were about the same all over DC. The congregation at the Bridge included John D, Judy C, Don of Long Beach, Mike Hill, and Paul & Angie Bradshaw. And a recent SoCal transplant named, I think, Maurizzio. Sail sizes ranged from Judy's 6.0 to Paul's 7.6. We all had our hands full with the gusts. I can't even imagine being out there on an 8.7!!
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Location: Charleston, UT

Postby DimitriMilovich » Mon May 21, 2007 9:54 am

Yeah, well, maybe we need to come to Charleston next time. It's possible the wind smooths out somewhat and isn't as gusty, particularly with a big South component. I tried to get DK and McAllister to stop by there since Dubbock said it was so lovely, devoid of jet skis, and an overall newstyle and trendy place, but tradition took over.

8.7? Well, I was the last guy to rig, they were both on 8.5s and our beer musketeer philosophy is, "all for one and one for all: plane together, schlog together, get slammed together!”.
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Postby ErikM » Mon May 21, 2007 9:56 am

Don't forget the lone sailor at the Dam. I think you hit the nail on the head. I did two things that don't normally happen to me. I went in backwards when the wind suddenly quit and later got catapulted over the front on a gust from hell. I quickly gave up on my formula board when I had "no choice" but to head for the dam during a set of gusts. I thought I was going to die pointing it downwind heading back for the beach. My 80cm X-Ray seemed like a wave board (after riding the FE the last couple of outings) and worked out much better for the rest of the afternoon. The gusts were hard enough to blow construction debri into the lake (a big bundled insulating blanket). Maybe a little hairy but glad I got something in before the weather change.
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Postby ErikM » Mon May 21, 2007 9:56 am

Don't forget the lone sailor at the Dam. I think you hit the nail on the head. I did two things that don't normally happen to me. I went in backwards when the wind suddenly quit and later got catapulted over the front on a gust from hell. I quickly gave up on my formula board when I had "no choice" but to head for the dam during a set of gusts. I thought I was going to die pointing it downwind heading back for the beach. My 80cm X-Ray seemed like a wave board (after riding the FE the last couple of outings) and worked out much better for the rest of the afternoon. The gusts were hard enough to blow construction debri into the lake (a big bundled insulating blanket). Maybe a little hairy but glad I got something in before the weather change.
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Postby DimitriMilovich » Mon May 21, 2007 10:52 am

Wow. Out on a formula. That would have been terrifying sailing from the Dam back to SB with those rock walls coming up at you! I almost thought of it when we arrived, because the gusts were so intermittent and not so big yet. Claimed Grant and Duane owed me a beer each for not rigging the Formula and leaving them in the dust. Luckily I went for the "little Bob" 70-cm AVS. Then the wind came up...Changed fin to 50 cm at the last minute. Thank goodness. Downhauled the 8.7 on shore another 1 1/2". It was just rattlely up top. Saved my butt and made it all pretty workable, actually. Had some really nice reaches, but still got worked.
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Joined: Fri May 06, 2005 7:16 am

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